My lovely employer Oxfam Ireland is, in its own words, a campaigner for a fairer world. Our major campaign this year is on Climate Change, which ties in perfectly with the theme of this year’s Blog Action Day. There are many things you can do to take action on Climate Change, from the easy to the extremely easy.
- Sign Oxfam Ireland’s petition calling on the Irish government to ensure a fair deal at the UN global climate change negotiations at Copenhagen this December.
- Donate. The world’s poorest people are the ones most directly affected by climate change.
- If you have a blog, you can write about Climate Change for Blog Action Day too. Full details at
- This is a design site, and I’ll repeat the call I made to designers on Blog Action Day 08: think about volunteering some of your talents and time to a charity or campaigning organisation. A strong image may only take you a few hours to produce, but a non-profit can get years of value from it.